Personal Protective Equipment

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Personal Protective Equipment

All staff to be issued PPE as per operating requirements.

Staffs are to be trained in the use of PPE.

All staff that are issued with PPE are to sign for it.

If PPE needs replacing, then old/damaged items are to be handed in. If employee does not have old/damaged item, they will be deemed responsible and have to pay.

All staff issued with PPE are to wear it at all times whilst working.

Any staff member found not wearing PPE, will be disciplined and may lead to dismissal.

The following areas require the following PPE:

  • Steel Drum/lBC Plant: Overalls, safety boots, aprons, gloves, masks, earplugs, goggles and respirators when necessary.
  • Wash bay: Overalls, gum boots, gloves, respirators, aprons and goggles.
  • Loading and finishing: Overalls, gum boots, gloves, dust mask and goggles.
  • Storage od drums/lBC: Overalls, safety boots, gloves, dust mask and goggles.